I have come to realize...

I have come to realize
the world is flat and round

I have come to realize
my father was not Goliath

I have come to realize
my mother was

I have come to realize I have to smash the ceiling
I am
by it

I have come to realize we must
colour the white spaces with our blood

I have come to realize we have bled
into the same spaces for hundreds of years

I have come to realize sistas are sacred
I have come to realize brothers can be too

I have come to realize I is we
I have come to realize you see  ‘us’ as ‘them’
I have come to realize


is a convenient category
I have come to realize
New Zealand European is usually first in the list

I have come to realize my ‘dark blood’ runs deep through history
From India to the Carribean, Fiji, South Africa bled into cotton, sugar, tea, stained
the pockets of fat white men who dribbled over our beautiful, brown bodies

I have come to realize we must all stand to speak
before none of us



Sarah Maindonald Bio: I am of Fijian Indian and Pakeha descent, born in Aotearoa, I am Asian, Pasefika, White and walk comfortably in Te Ao Māori.  I have been writing for a lifetime but more formally since I joined the Hagley Writers' Institute in 2010.
I am now a proud member of 'Fika Writers' and also create with other groups  including 'The Godwits'. I am  also a proud mamma of two adult children who now live and work in Melbourne. I work as a school counsellor and my passion is to support youth in strengthening their voices and providing advocacy.
